Sunday, June 16, 2019

N44C pages 101 to 200 .. DONE

Book-N44C  analysis by Herb Zinser translates books and their possible messages.

Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.

This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.

code word BAL --> Baltimore computer science BATTLE region

IBM Basic assembly language(BAL) and successor --> BALTIMORE 

- Wikipedia

    Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.

    codes --> Jan 8 about two --> pointer to Jan 8  2 --> Jan 8, 1942

    Jan 8, 2010 - 1942: British physicist Stephen Hawking is born.
    Hawking was born in the oxygen atomic Ox region of Oxford, 
    where his parents moved to escape the German Blitz on London.

    Hawking was born in the  Oxygen atomic ,,,, 
    Ox region of Oxford  and Nature's  y-axis extension ..............this the 
    Oxygen  word equation  ...........  algebra/ plane geometry code-->

    O x y --> Origin and the (x.y)  axis / coordinates of  Sartre existential ..... with
    oxygen atomic mass Base 16  and its  IBM base 16  addressability of
    INTERNAL oxygen existential space  and
    EXTERNAL atmosphere oxygen space 

    Jan 8, 2008 - Stephen Hawking (center) experiences the thrill of zero gravity on a flight aboard a modified Boeing 727 aircraft, owned by Zero Gravity. Image: ...
    Mar 14, 2018 - Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, it has just been announced on the newswire died Wednesday due to the progressive complications of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, He was 76 years old. 

    Born on Jan. 8, 1942 in war-torn Oxford, England, to Frank, and Isobel Hawking on the 300th anniversary of the death of Galileo.

    Born on Jan81942 in war-torn Oxford, England,
    Born on Jan81942 in war-torn Oxford, England,

    Born on Jan81942 in war-torn OE --> COMPUTER EARTH Order Entry region
    of OE = Old English ..... he decided to up-grade to Modern English .....
    with his heritage Base 16 Hex'F' = 15 = F agents Frank and his
    IS = Information systems COBOL language mother

    Book/ newspaper publishers print some pieces to a puzzle ......
    and the reader's  optical nerve SOFTWARE database  is asked
    to figure out the other pieces ...... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT.

    Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and basic science high school and college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

    Using Galileo's suggestion of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS"
    we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.

    1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways,
    iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.

    2) The world of symbols, concepts,
     process control system flowcharts,
    biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.

    Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
    Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
    Chapter 2
    Symbols Maps and Territories
    There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

    Thus we have
    the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought
    that may get mapped to
    the destination range of physical reality and biology ....
    with human social and economic activities
    on the geography surface of EARTH.

    Let's look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE
    the embedded subset codes and concepts.

    Code letters --> D ira q

    --> q subset graphic letter -->  c ... giving

    Dirac equation of Planet EARTH soil /land

    Dir + ac --> dirt acres
    --> dirt (atomic directory of soil --> s-orbitals platform upon which human legs  walk upon)


    explains  key word concepts -->

    BooK-205 ... - Z47 - Herb Zinser's string theory .... empirical DATABASE
    Aug 31, 2017 - Book-205 analysis by Herb Zinser translates books and their possible ... List of topics covered in this blog post .... 
    Bode PlotsNyquist plots, etc

    COMPUTER EARTH IP address (internet protocol)

    --> per Village of Iping as explained by 
    H G Wells book from year 1897 

    --> word Iput
    --> I put --> IBM put  assembler instruction

    above code --> Iput  pyramid -->  Iput--> Computer Earth systems INPUT  

    Paul Dirac  burial complex in Tallahassee 

    - Wikipedia

    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...

    The Paul Dirac grave hole ..... known as a wormhole  .....  his  atomic DATA BASE coffin 
    Th atoms of the Paul Dirac are placed ina DATABASE container. ..coffin 

    The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU. Paul Dirac ... › Blogs › Fred Griffin › Tallahassee Florida Real Estate

    Sep 25, 2011 - A senior FSU Physicist said, 'To have Paul Dirac here, would be like the English faculty recruiting Shakespeare.' In 1971, Physicist Paul Adrien ...

    The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU.

    The Father of Modern Physics in a   geological  layer/level  .. ...
    underground  ...   

    the CLAY   area with code ....

    Clay  -->  Coffin   layer   ...  of  atomic data containers  ......

    thus the geological  layers .....and their.
    ..................   logic ... layers ....

    taught in Tallahassee at FSU  ... and now his coffin DATA
    teaches ......allah    ...... the Allah a tomic communication continuum  ...

    know as Islamic
    ................... amic  --> atomic social sciences and philosophy

    Control Systems/Bode Plots - Wikibooks, open books for an open ...

    Bode Plots are generally used with the Fourier Transform of a given system. An example of a Bode magnitude and phase plot set. The Magnitude plot is typically on the top, and the Phase plot is typically on the bottom of the set. The frequency of the bode plots are plotted against a logarithmic frequency axis.

    Cemetery Lots or  Bode Plots for Sale and Grave Sites with Burial Spaces ...

    Mar 31, 2013 ... Cemetery Lots or Plots for Sale and Grave Sites with Burial Spaces for sale Buy and Sell Exchange at Roselawn Cemetery in Tallahassee, ...

    Control Systems Nyquist Plots - TutorialsPoint

    Control Systems - Nyquist Plots. Nyquist plots are the continuation of polar plots for finding the stability of the closed loop control systems by varying ω from −∞ to ∞. That means, Nyquist plots are used to draw the complete frequency response of the open loop transfer function.

    Determining Stability using the Nyquist Plot - Swarthmore College

    Example: Nyquist path, no poles on jω axis, stable. Consider a system with plant G(s), and unity gain feedback (H(s)=1). If we map this function from "s" to "L(s)" ...

    Cemetery Lots or Plots

    Cemetery Lots or Plots

    Cemetery Lots or Plots

    Cemetery Lots or  Nyquist Plots


    Polar Plot

    The polar plot of sinusoidal transfer function G(jω) is a plot of the magnitude of G( jω) verses .... Automatic Control system By S. Hasan Saeed; Katson publication.

    Cemetery Lots or Plots

    Cemetery Lots or Plots

    Cemetery Lots or Polar Plots ...   of sinusoidal transfer function G(jω)

    of Paul Dira atomic DATABASE coffin  .....
    data transfers

     sinusoidal transfer function G(jω)

     sinusoidal transfer function G(jω)

     sinusoidal transfer function G(jawa)

    Jawaharlal Nehru - Activist, Prime Minister -

    Apr 27, 2017 ... Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi’s father, was a leader of India’s nationalist movement and became India’s first prime minister after its independence. ... Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889, in Allahabad, India. ... The British withdrew and Nehru became independent ...

    Jawa | Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia

    The original Star Wars novelization implies a possible familial relationship between Jawas and Tusken Raiders. It also describes Jawas as rodent-like and ...

    7 Things You Might Not Know About Jawas |

    Dec 20, 2016 ... Take a closer look at Tatooine's tiniest scrap-seekers with's behind -the-scenes look at Jawas!

    Jawa |

    Jawas are meter-tall humanoids completely hidden behind rough, hand-woven robes. Their faces are concealed within the dark folds of a cowl, from which peer  ...

    Jawa  code of the Indian government

    Jawaharlal Nehru | prime minister of India |

    Jawaharlal Nehru: First prime minister of independent India (1947–64), who established parliamentary government and became noted for his neutralist ...


    Jawa  ..  STAR WARS  codes of  the sub-continent of India

    Government Jawaharlal Nehru: First prime minister of independent India (1947–64), who established parliamentary government and became noted for his neutralist ...

    Government Jawaharlal 
    Government Jawa
    G (jw) --> equations below

    Pole–zero plot - Wikipedia–zero_plot

    In mathematics, signal processing and control theory, a pole–zero plot is a graphical ... By convention, the poles of the system are indicated in the plot by an X while the zeroes are indicated by a circle or O. A pole-zero plot can represent either ...

    Transfer Functions, Poles and Zeros - Maplesoft,%20Poles%20and%20Zeros.pdf

    For the design of a control system, it is important to understand how the ... to the concept of Transfer functions and the poles and zeros of a system. .... The following plot shows the transient response of a system with a real zero and a pair of.

    code word .. sinster--> sin wave functions and the Nikola Tesla earth geology vibration of the coffin layers

    Manmohan Sin wave /brain wave agent --> Singh - Wikipedia

      Manmohan Singh is an Indian economist and politician who served as the Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. The first Sikh in office, Singh was also the ...
      Political party‎: ‎Indian National Congress
      President‎: ‎A. P. J. Abdul Kalam‎; ‎Pratibha Patil‎; ...
      Awards‎: ‎Padma Vibushan‎; ‎Adam Smith Prize
      Residence‎: ‎3 Motilal Nehru Marg, ‎New Delhi

      Code words --> Userkae --> user ka e -->.
      Karl Henry Zinser earth with
      Milwaukee Usinger goose liver sausage purchased
      by his mother META in the years around 1953

      END of explanation

      Waiting for Godot - Wikipedia

        Tragicomedy (play) Waiting for Godot (/ˈɡɒdoʊ/ GOD-oh) is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting they engage in a variety of discussions and encounter three other characters.
        Place premiered‎: ‎Théâtre de Babylone, Paris
        Original language‎: ‎French
        Characters‎: ‎Vladimir‎; ‎Estragon‎; ‎Pozzo‎; ‎Lucky‎; A Boy
        Written by‎: ‎Samuel Beckett
        Vladimir · ‎Lucky · ‎Pozzo · ‎Estragon

        Waiting for Godot

        Waiting for Godot

        Waiting for ... dot -->

        Waiting for Godot

        Waiting for Godot

        Waiting for ... dot -->

        Dot matrix printers - Wikipedia

          Dot matrix printing is a type of computer printing which uses a print head that moves back-and-forth, or in an up-and-down motion, on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like the print mechanism on a typewriter.
          Dot matrix printing‎: ‎1925
          Printing press‎: ‎c. 1440
          Screen printing‎: ‎1911
          Rotary press‎: ‎1843

          Bio-math baby equation 

          --> ba + by -->  base 2 legs of a baby are raised
          up into the air to the power of y at a hospital ..... 
          by a bio-math doctor ......

          ...thus bio + logarithm y --> Bio + log y --->

          biology math equation ...
          required  laws of recognition for Sartre existence

          Base 10 decimal below 

          Below, female bio-computer using BAL

          Aural refers to the ear or hearing, and oral to the mouth or speaking. Something verbal is expressed in words, either spoken or written. ... If it's related to something spoken or to the mouth, it's oral. And although verbal can mean spoken or written, oral can only mean spoken.

           Flamingo --> amin --> amino acids message site ....

          amino VS amigo gonads life

          Electron shell - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            An electron shell is the outside part of an atom around the atomic nucleus. It is where the electrons are, and is a group of atomic orbitals with the same value of the principal quantum number n. Electron shells have one or more electron subshells, or sublevels.

            Nikola Tesla Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless Electricity Around ...


            Sep 18, 2018 - Construction began in 1901 in Long Island on what would become known as Wardenclyffe Tower. Tesla imagined that it would be the ..

            The Two Cultures - Wikipedia

            The Two Cultures is the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into two cultures – the sciences and the humanities – which was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.
            The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution (1959) was a published version of the lectures in book form.  

            Z-transform - Wikipedia


              In mathematics and signal processing, the Z-transform converts a discrete-time signal, which is a sequence of real or complex numbers, into a complex ...

              Introduction to the z-transform

              The role played by the z-transform in the solution of difference equations corresponds to that played by the Laplace transforms in the solution of differential ...

              The Z Transform. Discrete Data. What is a discrete-time system and why do we care about it? Until now we have assumed that time is continuous. In other words ...

              The Exponential Function

              Consider the exponential function with  Farmer Karl Zinser: --> F  K   Z


              Dante Alighieri | Biography & Facts |


              May 31, 2019 - Dante, in full Dante Alighieri, (born c. May 21–June 20, 1265, Florence, Italy—died September 13/14, 1321, Ravenna), Italian poet, prose writer, literary theorist, moral philosopher, and political thinker. He is best known for the monumental epic poem La commedia, later named La divina commedia (The Divine Comedy).

              Comandante | Definition of Commander Dante (brain sub-conscious) 

               by Merriam-Webster

                Comandante definition is - commandant. ... More than 250,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary; Expanded definitions, etymologies, and usage notes ...

                  Codes--> Turn the page with me .... page/paige agent

                  Oct 18, 2012 - Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell 39 feet from an off-campus housing complex on Saturday and suffered severe brain and pelvic injuries after ...

                  why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers

                  Why is there a upside down question mark"¿" in the begging of a question?? ... To answer yours: this is just part of the Spanish language punctuation along with ...

                  The upside down question mark (¿) is a punctuation mark that is standard in Spanish. If you think about it, it is reasonable and helpful to anyone reading a ...

                  Argonne National Laboratory - Wikipedia

                    Argonne National Laboratory is a science and engineering research national laboratory operated by the University of Chicago Argonne LLC for the United ...
                    Location‎: ‎Lemont‎, ‎Downers Grove Township, ...
                    Budget‎: ‎$750 million (2017)
                    Address‎: ‎9700 S. Cass Avenue
                    Affiliations‎: ‎United States Department of Energy‎; ...

                    What it's like inside the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois

                    and the rigged atomic social science murder trial 

                      of Jeremeny Wand in Argyle , Wisconsin ...


                    Nov 20, 2017 - The DOE's Argonne National Laboratory is conducting cutting-edge research, from oil-soaking sponges to the next generation of batteries.

                    code--> President Nest or 
                    --> Pussy hair nest ...... orfice hole

                    code--> President Nest or (source language from
                     Nature's bird system language ... earth Language )

                    --> Pussy hair nest equivalent to BIRD NEST 

                    Baltimore Oriole Nest

                    Nothing says spring quite like the melodic whistling song of the Baltimore Oriole. The male, resplendent in his orange and black plumage is a fan favorite of any backyard birder. Several years ago, when I first began photographing birds, I stumbled upon a Baltimore Oriole nesting site, and spent the next three weeks visiting the location on a daily basis, documenting the process from building the nest, to feeding the young.

                    ..... OR  ..... Oriole BIRD NEST 

                    VS human  female ORfice hole 

                    Baltimore Oriole Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

                    The rich, whistling song of the Baltimore Oriole, echoing from treetops near homes and parks, is a sweet herald of spring in eastern North America. Look way up ...

                    The rich, whistling song of the Baltimore Oriole, echoing from treetops near homes and parks, is a sweet herald of spring in eastern North America. Look way up ...

                    Code --> Buenos Aires
                    --> nos air --> nose air  conversations

                    Becquerel rays - definition of Becquerel rays by The Free Dictionary


                    Define Becquerel rays. Becquerel rays synonyms, Becquerel rays pronunciation, Becquerel rays translation, English dictionary definition of Becquerel rays. 1.

                    Becquerel Ray  Definition | Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary


                      Medical Definition of Becquerel ray. : a ray emitted by a radioactive substance —used before radioactive emissions were classified as alpha and beta particles and gamma-ray photons.

                      Becquerel Ray 

                      Becquerel Ray 

                      Bec ....... data ....  information  Rays -->


                      Human math relationships and data transfers
                      VIA  reflected optical light, infra-red heat language from the human skin. magnetic field data transfer , etc.

                      Oct 15, 2012 - ... Paige Raque .... queBEC
                      ..BEC rays ...
                       BECquerel rays DEMO
                       who fell out of  a fifth-floor  Sartre existential information window in Calder Commons. ... Randy Jepson, Penn State's gymnastics coach and Raque family ...

                      code word-->
                      women and component .....


                      1. an event regarded as a portent of good or evil.

                        "the ghost's appearance was an ill omen"
                        • prophetic significance.

                          "the raven seemed a bird of evil omen"

                          synonyms:portent, sign, signal, token, forewarning, warning, foreshadowing, prediction, forecast, prophecy, harbinger, augury; More

                      Nature's systems --> reject Ho  
                      --> consequently --> Reject Fort ho

                      2009 Fort Ho shooting ordered by Nature's 
                      molecular social engineering systems - Wikipedia

                        On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and ...
                        Weapons‎: ‎FN Five-seven pistol; ‎Smith & Wess...
                        Deaths‎: ‎14 (including 1 unborn child)
                        Non-fatal injuries‎: ‎33 (including the perpetrator)
                        Location‎: ‎Fort Hood, Texas‎, U.S
                        Jun 2, 2011 - On this day in 2009, 13 people are killed and more than 30 others are wounded, nearly all of them unarmed soldiers, when a U.S. Army officer goes on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in central Texas. The deadly assault, carried out by Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist ...

                        Nov 4, 2011 - Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas.

                        Cavendish Laboratory - Wikipedia


                          The Cavendish Laboratory is the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge, and is part of the School of Physical Sciences. The laboratory was ...
                          Cavendish Professor of Physics‎: ‎Richard Friend
                          Head of department‎: ‎Andy Parker
                          Established‎: ‎1874

                          The History of the Cave  - Cavendish Laboratory - University of ...


                          The Cavendish Laboratory has an extraordinary history of discovery and innovation in Physics since its opening in 1874 under the direction of James Clerk ...

                          The History of the Cave  - year 2019 --.
                          Cavendish Laboratory - University of  atomic social science  BS ...

                          Ask Ann Landers - Wikipedia


                            Ann Landers (July 4, 1918 – June 22, 2002) was a pen name created by Chicago Sun-Times advice columnist Ruth Crowley in 1943 and taken over by Esther ...

                            Ann - Dear Ann Landers: I am engaged to a wonderful ...

                            Dear Ann Landers: I am engaged to a wonderful man I have known for four years. 'Dudley' and I plan to be married next summer. He is a kind soul and a perfect ...
                              7 days ago - Editor's Note: Hundreds of Ann Landers' loyal readers have requested that newspapers continue to publish her columns. These letters ...

                              Big TOP circus --> Circus Sarasota 2019 - The Circus Arts Conservatory | Sarasota

                              Friday, February 15 – Sunday, March 10, 2019, Circus Sarasota will present 33 performances under the Red and White Big Top full of elegance, excitement and ...

                              Thursday, December 27 through Sunday, December 30, 2018. Under the Air Conditioned Ulla Searing Big Top at Nathan Benderson Park. For nearly 70 years, ...

                              code name Oba --> Oxygen base map ---> evolution to President Obama 

                              Bottom line word-->
                              themes --> blood 

                              ..heme software 

                              code--> otto  Tur key--> cotton   textile language turn/change ftom year to year ...  key 


                              explains  key word concepts -->

                              Data 450 - cotton language

                              Cotton - Wikipedia

                                Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of the cotton plants of the genus Gossypium in the mallow family ...

                                cotton | atom Description, Cultivation, Diseases, & Facts |

                                  CottonCotton, seed-hair fibre of several species of plants of the genus Gossypium, native to most subtropical parts of the world.

                                  Cotton On - Home | Facebook

                                  Recently heading to Uganda for five days with the Cotton On Foundation, See Want Shop influencer Lisa Hamilton was given the opportunity to visit local…

                                  Cannon Bath Towels - Kmart

                                  Items 1 - 10 of 10 - Cannon Ultimate Cotton Bath Towel Hand Towel & Washcloth. Bright White Sandshell Country Blue Canal Blue · $7.99 - $11.99$7.69 - $10.99 ...

                         Cannon Egyptian Cotton Bath Towels Hand Towels ...

                                  Cannon Egyptian Cotton Bath Towels for a Soft Dry Off Enjoy the luxurious feel of Cannon Egyptian cotton bath towels, hand towels, or washcloths. Soft, plush .

                                  Cannon ( cotton towels TV series) - Wikipedia


                                    Cannon is an American detective television series produced by Quinn Martin which aired from 1971 to 1976. The primary protagonist is the title character, ...
                                    No. of episodes‎: ‎122 (‎list of episodes‎)
                                    Production company(s)‎: ‎QM Productions; ‎CBS ...
                                    No. of seasons‎: ‎5
                                    Original network‎: ‎CBS

                                    Plot · ‎Cast · ‎Episodes · ‎Home media

                                    Cannon .... cotton atom  .... social expressions  (TV Series 1971–1976) - IMDb

                                      Rating: 6.7/10 - ‎2,062 votes
                                      Action ... Frank Cannon is an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and 

                                      Cannon Egyptian Cotton Bath Towel - Sears

                                      Items 1 - 50 of 154 - Cannon Egyptian Cotton Bath Towels Hand Towels or Washcloths. Dark Grey Chocolate Tan · Rhubarb + 8 · $13.99 - $21.99$8.39 - $11.54 .....

                                      Cotton | Definition of Cotton by Merriam-Webster


                                        Cotton definition is - a soft usually white fibrous substance composed of the hairs surrounding the seeds of various erect freely branching tropical plants (genus ...


                                        Cotton  language empire VIA  man / human action figures
                                        ...otto  man empire

                                        Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

                                          The Ottoman Empire also historically known in Western Europe as the Turkish Empire or simply Turkey, was a state that controlled much of Southeast Europe, ...

                                          History of the Ottoman Empire

                                          The Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman I. As sultan Mehmed ...

                                          Dissolution of the Ottoman ...

                                          The period of the defeat and end of the Ottoman Empire (1908 ...

                                          Ottoman Empire  | cotton fabric  Facts, History, & Map |

                                            May 30, 2018 - Ottoman Empire, empire created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) that grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during ...

                                            Ottoman Empire  

                                            Cotton  .. Premier cotton parallel

                                            Hotel Premier Collection 650-Thread-Count Egyptian Cotton Sheet ...

                                   › Sam’s Club › Home
                                              Buy Hotel Premier Collection 650-Thread-Count Egyptian Cotton Sheet Set by Member's Mark (Assorted Sizes and Colors) : Sheets at

                                              Cotton  language empire VIA
                                              .. otto    Premier  (Botany) germi.Nation  

                                              ...... Darwin selection of humanoid parallel -->

                                              Otto Preminger - Wikipedia


                                              Otto Ludwig Preminger (/ˈprɛməndʒɪər/,[1] German pronunciation: [ˈpreːmiŋɐ];[2] 5 December 1905 – 23 April 1986)[3] was an American theatre and film director, originally from Austria-Hungary

                                              He directed more than 35 feature films in a five-decade career after leaving the theatre.

                                              He first gained attention for film noir mysteries such as Laura (1944) and Fallen Angel (1945), while in the 1950s and 1960s, he directed a number of high-profile adaptations of popular novels and stage works. Several of these later films pushed the boundaries of censorship by dealing with topics which were then taboo in Hollywood, such as drug addiction (The Man with the Golden Arm, 1955), rape(Anatomy of a Murder, 1959) and homosexuality (Advise & Consent, 1962). He was twice nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director. He also had a few acting roles.

                                                Cellulose acetate film - Wikipedia

                                                  Cellulose acetate film, or safety film, is used in photography as a base material for photographic emulsions. It was introduced in the early 20th century by film ...
                                                  Missing: tape ‎| ‎Must include: ‎tape

                                                  Cellulose acetate movie film - Wikipedia

                                                    Jump to Film - Cellulose acetate film was introduced in 1934 as a replacement for ... Acetate film was also used as the base for magnetic tape, prior to the ...
                                                    History · ‎Uses · ‎Fiber · ‎Production

                                                    Botany online: Cell Wall - Cellulose

                                                    Cellulose is composed of linear chains of covalently linked glucose residues. It is very stable chemically and extremely insoluble. In the primary cell wall consists ...

                                                    What is Cellulose? - Definition from MaximumYield

                                                    Because it is a complex carbohydrate that takes longer to burn off than simple carbohydrates (e.g., sugars), cellulose has become a very popular additive to a ...

                                                    Cellulose - Biology-Online Dictionary

                                                    Dec 17, 2008 - The cellulose is a straight chain polymer of carbohydrates. Unlike starch, it lacks coiling and it forms a rather rigid, rod-like conformation.

                                                    Nature's Cellulose continuum  ......

                                                    cotton cellulose
                                                    used by human clothes (cellulose tape of fabric) |
                                                    and bathroom towels ( rectangular tape )
                                                    for humans 

                                                    cotton cellulose  selects a
                                                    cellulose acetate movie tape AGENT   ....

                                                    ..otto  Premier    .... of 

                                                     ........wood  cellulose atoms ...... society analysis 

                                                    by Nature's  cellulose  TREE of Knowledge 

                                                    Mosque - Wikipedia

                                                      mosque (/mɒsk/; from Arabic: مَـسْـجِـد‎, translit. masjid) is a place of worship for Muslims. There are strict and detailed requirements in Sunni jurisprudence (Arabic: فِـقْـه‎, fiqh) for a place of worship to be considered a mosque, with places that do not meet these requirements regarded as musallas.

                                                      END of explanation

                                                      code--> Istanbul --> Is + stan + bul --> Information systems ..standard ..bull-shit / nonsense talk

                                                      code --> Newark --> Newark electronics circuits inside the human bio-electron brain

                                                      Code--> power dressing --> IBM base 2 powers  and
                                                      address spaces

                                                      City of Boston 
                                                      Base 16 oxygen address space  on April 15, 2013 

                                                      Boston Marathon program ..................

                                                      run 26 miles -- A Race to Remember -

                                                        Apr 15, 2014 - ... to help the injured. Today, memories of April 15, 2013, serve to remind us that Boston is up and running strong. ... She will run her first marathon in her hometown next week. "I'm not going to let ... E:60 Boston Marathon: Symbol of Hope 3,000 Miles Away ..... Boston Marathon blog: 26 in 26 · Tribute on ...

                                                        Apr 15, 2013 - "After you've run 26 miles you're not going to stop there. .....
                                                        update on the population explosions that occurred in Boston, in the Oval Office, April 15, 2013.

                                                        Boston Marathon blasts:

                                                        Boston Marathon blasts:

                                                        Boston Marathon blastocyte battle site  -->

                                                        After you've run 26 miles 
                                                        After you've run 26 miles 
                                                        After you've run 26 miles 

                                                        above words
                                                        --> any program you run has, associated with it .....

                                                        in other words ...
                                                        --> any program you run  .... asso (ass hole) 


                                                        Apr 15, 2013 - "After you've run 26 miles you're not going to stop there. ..... update on the explosions that occurred in Bostonin the Oval Office, April 15, 2013.

                                                        code --> men's
                                                        --> menstruation blood FASHION languages


                                                        explains  key word concepts --> 

                                                        Iron 54 and

                                                        Marilyn Reese Shepard year 1954 

                                                        Sam Sheppard - Wikipedia

                                                          Samuel Holmes "Sam" Sheppard ((1923-12-29)December 29, 1923 – (1970-04-06)April 6, 1970) was an American neurosurgeon initially convicted for the 1954 murder of his wife, Marilyn Reese Sheppard. ... The murder investigation and the trial were notable for the extensive publicity. Some newspapers and other media ...
                                                          Criminal penalty‎: ‎Life imprisonment (overturned)
                                                          Occupation‎: ‎Osteopathic physician-neurosurg...
                                                          Conviction(s)‎: ‎Murder (overturned)
                                                          Resting place‎: ‎Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens ...
                                                            On July 4, 1954, Marilyn Sheppard, the wife of a handsome thirty-year-old doctor, Sam Sheppard, was brutally murdered in the bedroom of their home in Bay ...

                                                            Murder of Marilyn Reese Sheppard

                                                            On the night of July 3, 1954, Sheppard and Marilyn were entertaining neighbors at their lakefront home (demolished in 1993)[1] on Lake Erie at 28944 Lake Road[2] in Bay Village, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, just west of the city. The property itself abutted the shore of Lake Erie, near the west end of Huntington Reservation. While they were watching the movie Strange Holiday, Sheppard fell asleep on the daybed in the living room. Marilyn walked the neighbors out.

                                                            In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954, Marilyn Sheppard was bludgeoned to death in her bed with an unknown instrument. The bedroom was covered with blood spatter and drops of blood were found on floors throughout the house. Some items from the house, including Sam Sheppard's wristwatch, keychain and key, and fraternity ring, appeared to have been stolen.[3] They were later found in a canvas bag in shrubbery behind the house.[3] According to Sheppard, he was sleeping soundly on a daybed when he heard the cries from his wife. He ran upstairs where he saw a form in the bedroom and then he was knocked unconscious. When he awoke, he saw the person downstairs, chased the intruder out of the house down to the beach where they tussled and Sheppard was knocked unconscious again. He awoke with half his body in the lake.

                                                            At 5:40 am, a neighbor received an urgent phone call
                                                            At 5:40 am,
                                                            At 5:40 am,
                                                            Atom 5:40 atomic mass code .....

                                                            Understanding your Iron 54 menstrual  .....
                                                            atomic bio-physics  28 neutron cycle fact sheet | Women's Health ...

                                                   › Conditions & Treatments
                                                              While the length of the menstrual cycle
                                                              is often 28 days,
                                                               it can vary between women and from one cycle to the next. It is common for women to experience cycles ...

                                                              At 5:40 am, a neighbor received an urgent phone call
                                                              At 5:40 am, a neighbor received an urgent phone call
                                                              At 5:40 am, a neighbor received an urgent phone call

                                                              a neighbor
                                                              a neighbor
                                                              a n ne eight  ..... atomic number 8 neutrons 

                                                              END of explanation


                                                              Code name --> he + witt --> Herbert Spencer agent Herbert Zinser
                                                              at the Oscar Witt farm Watertown Wisconsin 

                                                              code --> Fashion --> fa + sh
                                                              --> Farm (Watertown) +
                                                              Far Horizons resort / Sarasota High school 1958 /1960 ,  frashion

                                                              code word--> hemes --> heme messages waiting  

                                                              Heme & Health: The Essentials – What IF? – Medium

                                                              Mar 2, 2018 - For more than a billion years, heme has been one of the most ubiquitous and important molecules in nature. Heme is an important part of every ...
                                                                Heme or haem is a coordination complex "consisting of an iron ion coordinated to a porphyrin acting as a tetradentate ligand, and to one or two axial ligands.
                                                                Function · ‎Types · ‎Synthesis

                                                                code words--> wearing his robes --> wearing microbes

                                                                Power Unseen:
                                                                How microbes rule the world

                                                                Power ...seen:
                                                                How --> H2O water molecules


                                                                --> mic + robe + bes -->
                                                                 atomic judical agents .. 

                                                                black robe identifier of human agents 

                                                                Bose–Einstein Statistics (BES) of  Micro.BES 

                                                                - Wikipedia

                                                                  In quantum statistics, BoseEinstein statistics (or colloquially B–E statistics) is one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting indistinguishable particles may occupy a set of available discrete energy states, at thermodynamic equilibrium.

                                                                  Separate but equal --> separate into IBM partitioned data sets


                                                                    Separate but equal was a legal doctrine in United States constitutional law according to which ... The doctrine of "separate but equal" was overturned by a series of Supreme Court decisions, starting with Brown v. Board of Education of 1954.

                                                                    Separate can be an adjective or a verb. ... As a verb, it means to to set apart, to distinguish, or to divide. Separate is often misspelled as seperate, a word that has no meaning and is simply a misspelling: They took two separate rooms.
                                                                    Nation's Largest Manufacturer Of High Quality Judicial Robes For 65 Years. Click To Shop.

                                                                    Judicial robes from Murphy Robes will allow you to maintain a distinguished appearance in the courtroom or at a special event. We offer a variety of styles to suit ...

                                                                    1. Felix Frankfurter - Wikipedia 

                                                                      Felix Frankfurter (November 15, 1882 – February 22, 1965) was an Austrian-American lawyer, professor, and jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Frankfurter served on the Supreme Court from 1939 to 1962 and was a noted advocate of judicial restraint in the judgments of the Court.
                                                                    2. Felix Frankfurter | United States jurist | 

                                                                      Felix Frankfurter: Felix Frankfurter, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court (1939–62), a noted scholar and teacher of law, who was in his time the high court’s leading exponent of the doctrine of judicial self-restraint.
                                                                    Academic Apparel is the nations largest manufacturer of high-quality Judicial Robes in the United States (est. 1946). We have a complete line of Judicial Robes 

                                                                    food court is generally an indoor plaza or common area within a facility that is contiguous with the counters of multiple food vendors and provides a common ...
                                                                    Typical usage · ‎History · ‎Evolution

                                                                    Ready-to-Wear robes for Judges, judicial robe store, wedding officiant robe, judge robe, custom judicial gown from The Robe Shop, since 1979.

                                                                    Double Blind Experiment - Avoiding Bias -

                                                                      A double blind experiment is an experimental method used to ensure impartiality, ... giving an honest baseline for the research, and allowing a realistic statistical ...

                                                                      Nov 20, 2018 - A double-blind study is one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. This procedure is utilized to prevent bias in research results. Double-blind studies are particularly useful for preventing bias due to demand characteristics or the placebo effect.

                                                                      bottom line--> praying mantis
                                                                      --> algebra class ... bio-math/math
                                                                      student praying over mantissa/ logarithm test 

                                                                      code--> kaftans
                                                                      --> kaf  tan ans --> kafka tangent answers

                                                                      code words
                                                                      --> garb &breath --> talk garble nonsense

                                                                      Garbled - definition of garbled by The Free Dictionary


                                                                      1. To mix up or distort to such an extent as to make misleading or incomprehensible: The report garbled all the historical facts. 2. To scramble (a signal or message), as by erroneous encoding or faulty transmission.

                                                                      Garble - definition of garble by The Free Dictionary

                                                                      Define garble. garble synonyms, garble pronunciation, garble translation, English dictionary ... The act or an instance of garbling: a garble of nonsense syllables.
                                                                      Garbled definition, to confuse unintentionally or ignorantly; jumble: to garble instructions. See more.
                                                                      Missing: nonsense? ‎| ‎Must include: ‎nonsense?
                                                                      garbled. A garbled message makes no sense. If you get a bad phone connection, your friend's message might sound garbled. Or, if you have rewritten the same ...

                                                                      garble definition: The definition of garble is to do something to a message so that it cannot ... The act or an instance of garbling: a garble of nonsense syllables.

                                                                      Greta Garbo VS
                                                                      Great  Garble  nonsense talk 

                                                                       - Wikipedia

                                                                        Greta Garbo was a Swedish-American film actress during the 1920s and 1930s. Garbo was nominated three times for the Academy Award for Best Actress and ...
                                                                        Years active‎: ‎1920–1941
                                                                        Died‎: ‎15 April 1990 (aged 84); New York City, U.S
                                                                        Resting place‎: ‎Skogskyrkogården Cemetery, S...
                                                                        Born‎: ‎Greta Lovisa Gustafsson; 18 September ...

                                                                        Above, her hair aside her EARS ... attempts to filter out the BS sound waves
                                                                         that arrive at her ear ....  input data ports  

                                                                        Greta Garbo was born Greta Lovisa Gustafsson on September 18, 1905, in Stockholm, Sweden, to Anna Lovisa (Johansdotter), who worked at a jam factory, and Karl Alfred Gustafsson, a laborer. She was fourteen when her father died, which left the family destitute.

                                                                        code word--> tiger strips
                                                                        --> treasury department money codes --> Tiger

                                                                        Treasury Investors Growth Receipt (TIGER) Definition -


                                                                        Treasury Investors Growth Receipt (TIGER): read the definition of Treasury Investors Growth Receipt (TIGER) and 8000+ other financial and investing terms in ...

                                                                         (TIGER) Definition (Tiger Woods)
                                                                         with Alan Greenspan --> gold course  code green 

                                                                        Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Profile - 

                                                                        Financial systems manipualtion by sports  

                                                                        News, Stats, and Videos


                                                                        Tiger Woods returned to Las Vegas this past weekend to host Tiger Jam at MGM Grand Hotel & Casino. Among the highlights of the weekend for participants in ...
                                                                        Masters Tournament‎: ‎1
                                                                        The official PGA TOUR scorecards for Tiger Woods. The most complete, up-to-date scorecards and information for Tiger Woods.

                                                                        PGA TOUR

                                                                        PGA TOUR

                                                                        PGA TOUR ... dance tour of bull-shit schemes

                                                                        PG - Urban Dictionary


                                                                        Derived from the abbreviation for "Parental Guidance", PG is used for describing something rude or potentially offensive for which the conversation participants ...

                                                                        "Parental Guidance"
                                                                        "Parental Guidance"
                                                                        "Parental --> PG = Pregnant  Girl"

                                                                        code words --> weaving techniques ---> 
                                                                        string theory and newspaper bull-shit WORD weavers, information fabrics, and the
                                                                        LOOM  MIS (management information systems) ...battle at Loomis Street in Chicago and the university cover-up schemes

                                                                        Science 168 - loomis stret string theory and SU(V)


                                                                        explains  key word concepts --> 

                                                                        loomis street string theory and SU(V)

                                                                        code word --> 

                                                                        Gloom --> 

                                                                        G loom -->  Group at Loom street in Chicago

                                                                        Above words explained below 

                                                                        String Theory and  Nature's  Information Fabric
                                                                        ..... language  weaving machine....
                                                                        the LOOM in  Chicago weaves /creates an EVENT

                                                                        ...  the Loomis street signaling EVENT flowchart
                                                                        and the SU  particle (represented by
                                                                         an iron automobile SUV --> SU Variable number)

                                                                        Below, data from news reports ...

                                                                        1 dead, 7 injured in West Pullman banquet hall shooting | WGN-TV

                                                                        Aug 20, 2017 - CHICAGO – A total of eight people were injured and one was killed ... were in the parking lot of the West Pullman banquet hall and event center ...

                                                                        7 shot, 1 fatally, in West Pullman parking lot - Chicago Tribune

                                                                        Aug 20, 2017 - 7 shot, 1 fatally, in West Pullman parking lot ... of a man fatally shot in the parking lot of an event center in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street on Aug. ... a community center, as police continued investigating the shooting.

                                                                        West Pullman banquet hall and event center ...

                                                                        West Pullman banquet hall and event center ...
                                                                        West Pullman banquet hall and event center ...

                                                                        West Pullman
                                                                        West Pullman
                                                                        West P ll    man -->   information pointer to 
                                                                        West  road ..  I/O port .....   parallel    man (Hawking)

                                                                        Event horizon .......   EARTH   battle reports   - Wikipedia

                                                                        In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in spacetime beyond which events cannot .... For black holes, this manifests as Hawking radiation, and the larger question of how the black hole possesses a temperature is part of the topic of ...

                                                                        West Pullman banquet hall and event center ...
                                                                        West Pullman banquet hall and event center ...
                                                                        West Pullman banquet hall and  event center
                                                                        .... the site keywords (West ... Event) ...

                                                                         causing its selection  by Darwin language/
                                                                        proper noun/ concept systems a data generating EVENT site to provide a
                                                                        DATABASE to event horizon theorists

                                                                        at various myopic and  comatose universities   

                                                                        Two women put their arms around another woman as they walked out of a parking lot early Sunday in the West Pullman neighborhood.

                                                                        "Help me, Jesus," the woman cried out repeatedly.

                                                                        Inside the parking lot, a man was shot dead just outside the door of a banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street on the city's Far South Side. Six other people were wounded in the attack.

                                                                        A man inside a black SUV opened fire at the group about 2:30 a.m. Sunday.

                                                                         The shooter then drove off.

                                                                        A man, whose age and identity was not yet known, was pronounced dead at the scene. A white sheet covered the man's body on the pavement near the entrance of the hall's door. A white BMW sports car, with one of its door still open, was next to the body.

                                                                        CHICAGO (CBS) — One person was killed and six others were shot
                                                                        outside an event center in the West Pullman neighborhood early Sunday morning.

                                                                        CBS 2’s Lauren Victory reports that the mass shooting happened
                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center near 119th and Loomis, which is just feet away from a church and a school.

                                                                        Police said around 2:30 a.m., a man in a black SUV approached a large group in the Lenore’s Kitchen parking lot and sprayed the area with bullets before speeding away.

                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center
                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center
                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center
                                                                        across the street from the    roc Center

                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center

                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center
                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center
                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center
                                                                         cross  .....................m the     roc Center
                                                                         cross-correlation   mathematics  ROC  ......

                                                                        with blood pulse samples

                                                                        Police said around 2:30 a.m., a man in a 

                                                                        black SUV approached a large group 
                                                                        in the Lenore’s Kitchen parking lot and sprayed the area with bullets before speeding away.

                                                                        black SUV approached a large group 
                                                                        black SUV approached a large group 
                                                                        black SUV approached a large group 
                                                                        ......... SUV ................................. group 

                                                                        Symmetry Groups

                                                                        transformations by a symmetry group one obtains a conservation law and quantum
                                                                        ... SU(3) describes the (exact) Color symmetry of the Strong Interaction. ... For larger groups the momentum operator and the gauge-invariant derivative involve ...

                                                                        Particle Physics 4: Rotation Operators, SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) - YouTube

                                                                        of a series: covering rotation and SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) .

                                                                        SU(2) - Wikiversity

                                                                        Jul 30, 2017 - 3 SU(2); 4 SU(3); 5 Lie algebra; 6 Generalized special unitary group ... The SU(n) algebra is generated by n2 operators, which satisfy the commutator ... and are antisymmetric in all indices, whilst the d are symmetric in all indices. ...... Subgroups of SU(n) that are important in GUT physics are, for p>1, n-p>1:.


                                                                         Lie algebra; 6 Generalized special unitary group
                                                                         Lie algebra; 6 Generalized special unitary group

                                                                         Lie algebra (people lie on the ground ... dead or wounded);

                                                                         6 Generalized special unitary group --> Six other people were wounded in the attack.

                                                                        sprayed the area with bullets
                                                                        sprayed the area with bullets
                                                                        ..pray ..........area with bulletin news

                                                                        CHICAGO (CBS) — One person was killed and six others were shot
                                                                        outside an event center in the West Pullman neighborhood early Sunday morning.

                                                                        CBS 2’s Lauren Victory reports that the mass shooting happened
                                                                        across the street from the Kroc Center
                                                                         near 119th and Loomis,
                                                                         which is just feet away from a church and a school.

                                                                        Police said around 2:30 a.m., a man in a black SUV approached a large group in the Lenore’s Kitchen parking lot and sprayed the area with bullets before speeding away.

                                                                         near 119th and Loomis 
                                                                         near 119th and Loomis
                                                                         near 119th and Loo mis
                                                                         near 119th and Loom  mis

                                                                        --> string theory LOOM MIS (Management Information Systems)

                                                                        The Official String Theory Web Site

                                                                        So what is string theory
                                                                        For that matter, what the heck are elementary particles? If this all sounds totally confusing, try this section first. Experiment
                                                                        Basics · ‎Math · ‎Black Holes · ‎Cosmology

                                                                        String theory - Wikipedia


                                                                        In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. It describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other.

                                                                        What Every Layperson Should Know About String Theory - Forbes


                                                                        Nov 25, 2016 - It's hailed as the greatest hope for unification in physics,
                                                                        and for a quantum theory of gravity. Here's why are physicists so keen on it.

                                                                        What Every Layperson Should Know About String Theory 

                                                                        Why  lingerie String Theory Still Offers Hope 

                                                                        We Can Unify Physics and Physical biology
                                                                        X-rated bio-algebra Research
                                                                        | Science ...


                                                                        Evidence that the universe is made of strings has been elusive for 30 years, but the theory's mathematical insights continue to have an alluring pull.

                                                                        Evidence that the universe is made of strings 
                                                                        Evidence that the universe is made of strings 

                                                                        Evidence that the Miss universe  contest
                                                                        is made of  panty strings that  cause BRAIN puppet strings 

                                                                        Miss Universe contest to manipulate science STUDENT

                                                                         and professor  brains- Wikipedia

                                                                        Jump to Competition formats - The 2007 contest followed a similar format, with fifteen contestants ... This is the result of Miss Universe 2014 being held in ...

                                                                        List of Miss Universe titleholders ·
                                                                        Pia Wurtzbach · ‎
                                                                        Paulina Vega · ‎
                                                                        Gabriela Isler ( Is + ler --> Information social letter)

                                                                        Next data event .... flowchart

                                                                        END of explanation


                                                                        above code--> string -->

                                                                        WORK Data 448 - string theory data looms Loomis street battle Carnegie and Daley SR year 1955 iron 55 and -Maggie Daley


                                                                        explains  key word concepts --> 

                                                                        WORK Data 448 - 
                                                                        string theory data looms / data fabric battle at Loomis Street  Chicago

                                                                        Andrew Carnegie
                                                                        Dunfermline magnetic lines and
                                                                        Pittsburg iron 

                                                                        Maggie Daley
                                                                        (Margaret Corbett of Pittsburg) 

                                                                        and the Magnificent  Mile equation
                                                                        (Magn + cent  ---> magnetic + centrifugal)  

                                                                        ..... a   North Pole  magnetic field  LINKAGE 
                                                                        ...... atoMIC geography site in Chicago

                                                                        Logical units (LU) - the LU  BEC   -->

                                                                         secret   Bose-Einstein Condensate project 

                                                                          A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a SNA network.

                                                                          Saliva .... dinner food Monday ...... secret code

                                                                          Sal  ........ di ................ mona -

                                                                           cryptology word analysis 

                                                                            This lubricative function of saliva allows the food bolus to be passed easily from the mouth into the esophagus. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, also called ptyalin, which is capable of breaking down starch into simpler sugars such as maltose and dextrin that can be further broken down in the small intestine.
                                                                            code word--> loom  so Callistus --> translated 
                                                                            ..................................soC    call (subroutine) 

                                                                            loom (string theory
                                                                            ..information fabrics of event space ...
                                                                            containing  society data events )
                                                                            Physicist Brian Greene explains superstring theory, the idea that minscule strands of energy vibrating in 11 dimensions create every particle and force in the universe.

                                                                            string theory battle at LOOMIS street | 

                                                                            University of Chicago failure 

                                                                            Explanation & Definition |


                                                                            String theory, in particle physics, a theory that attempts to merge quantum mechanics with Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. The name string theory ...

                                                                            7 shot, 1 fatally, in West Pullman parking lot - Chicago Tribune

                                                                            Aug 20, 2017 - A man was shot dead just outside of a banquet hall in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street on the Far South Side. ... Across the street from the crime scene, a group of people worked out at the Kroc Center, a community ...

                                                                            1 Dead, 6 Shot In West Pullman Drive-By « CBS Chicago

                                                                            Aug 20, 2017 - CBS 2's Lauren Victory reports that the mass shooting happened across the street from the Kroc Center near 119th and Loomis, which is just .

                                                                            the Kroc Center near 119th and Loomis
                                                                            the Kroc Center near 119th and Loomis,
                                                                            the Kroc Center   ear  .... th  and Loo  mis,

                                                                            the    roc Center   earth  land   Loom mgt info systems

                                                                            the    roc Center   earth
                                                                            the    roc Center   earth
                                                                            the    roc Center   earth

                                                                            the    roc Center   earth
                                                                            the    roc Center   earth
                                                                            the    roc Center   earth ...
                                                                            gravity field lines and magnetic field lines ......
                                                                            lines for Nature's LOOM

                                                                            ...... that are inter- woven 
                                                                            with human data
                                                                            ...... every day 
                                                                            ... by the EARTH sideways rotation
                                                                            on its axis  .... every 24 hours

                                                                            Andrew Carnegie ..... Weaver's cottage - Wikipedia

                                                                            Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist, business magnate, and philanthropist. Carnegie led the expansion of the American steel industry in the ...

                                                                            Andrew Carnegie was born to Margaret Morrison Carnegie and William Carnegie in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1835, in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room, consisting of half the ground floor which was shared with the neighboring weaver's family.[7]

                                                                            in a typical weaver's cottage
                                                                            in a typical weaver's cottage
                                                                            in a typical weaver's cottage in Dunfermline, 

                                                                            Dun  fer  rm m  line --> Earth language code

                                                                            Ferrous oxide/iron  ROOM (earth surface ) 
                                                                            Earth   magnetic field flow lines interact with human blood
                                                                            and iron vehical (wagons, railroads, etc)

                                                                            Dun  fer  rm m  line --> Earth language code .... Chicago

                                                                            George Dunne  --> Dun needed .... LINK
                                                                            ..............Dunfermline   .. Fe = Ferrous oxide female agent needed
                                                                            from the Andrew Carnegie  iron city of Pittsburg 

                                                                            - Wikipedia

                                                                              George W. Dunne (February 20, 1913 – May 28, 2006) was an American Democratic Party politician from Chicago, Illinois. He was President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners from 1969 to 1991; the longest service of anyone holding that office.
                                                                              Political party‎: ‎Democratic
                                                                              Preceded by‎: ‎Richard B. Ogilvie
                                                                              Children‎: ‎Three

                                                                              George Dunne  --> Dun needed .... LINK
                                                                              ..............Dunfermline   .. Fe = Ferrous oxide female agent needed
                                                                              from the Andrew Carnegie  iron city of Pittsburg 

                                                                              EXPLAINS the union  of  iron VIA human agents 

                                                                              Maggie (magnetic field ) Daley, the Daley family ,
                                                                              and the Magnificent  (magnetic + centrifugal)  Mile of

                                                                              North pole  ato.MIC geography site
                                                                              North ...............MIChigan Avenue 
                                                                              Daley SR year 1955 --> Iron  atomic mas 55 agent from Bridgeport area 

                                                                              Richard M. Daley Weds earth iron CORE  agent  .........

                                                                              who  lives on the earth geography surface  .....


                                                                              the earth core (underground)  and the
                                                                              earth magnetic field (above ground) .....

                                                                              Mrs. Corbett -

                                                                              The Isaac Newton new  --> New York Times

                                                                              Mar 26, 1972 - PITTSBURGH, March 25— Mrs. Margaret Ann Corbett, of suburban Mount Lebanon and Chicago, was married today to Richard M.Daley, ...

                                                                              Richard J. Daley's Bridgeport Is Gone - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

                                                                                Apr 4, 1993 - The idea of what Bridgeport used to be has gone the way of Latin mass on Sundays and the smell of fried fish sticks in the gangways between ... 

                                                                                 Bridge  ....... connect / link 2 cities  ... 

                                                                                using the Xerox Corporation /copy technology 

                                                                                of  bio-physics employee
                                                                                Margarett Corbett / Maggie Daley  and her

                                                                                linkage / marriage to Richard Daley, JR

                                                                                code word--> loom  so Callistus --> translated 
                                                                                ..................................soC    call (subroutine)

                                                                                code word--> Manfredi --> fre --> frequency  red

                                                                                END of explanation


                                                                                code word --> dresses  --> address space

                                                                                and the human eye bio-optical computer software .....

                                                                                addresses of the colors in the eyes rods and cones

                                                                                Solar System sunlight and it's  EARTH LAB  

                                                                                ..... Isaac Newton BASIC color address space 
                                                                                using objects --> human people and their colored clothes, automobile colors, house paint...... 

                                                                                code word --> dresses  --> address space

                                                                                and the human eye bio-optical computer software .....

                                                                                addresses of the colors in the eyes rods and cones

                                                                                Phantom Works - Boeing

                                                                                Boeing Phantom Works is building the future ‒ creating innovative solutions and advanced technology that will define the next generation of aerospace and ...

                                                                                An autonomous, experimental spaceplane designed to transform the future of rapid, reusable space launch for small satellites. ... The spaceplane—called Phantom Express—would reinvent space missions for commercial and government customers by providing rapid, aircraft-like access to 

                                                                                An autonomous, experimental spaceplane 
                                                                                An autonomous, experimental spaceplane 
                                                                                An autonomous, ...........mental space .....
                                                                                Sartre existential plane and its associated
                                                                                IBM CICS data field attributes

                                                                                Phantom Express

                                                                                Phantom Express

                                                                                 tom Express  ....
                                                                                atom expressions  VIA

                                                                                Tom Sawyer - Wikipedia

                                                                                  Thomas Sawyer is the title character of the Mark Twain novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876). He appears in three other novels by Twain: Adventures of ...
                                                                                  Family‎: ‎Aunt Polly‎ (aunt), Sally Phelps (aunt), ...
                                                                                  Last appearance‎: ‎Tom Sawyer, Detective
                                                                                  First appearance‎: ‎The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
                                                                                  Created by‎: ‎Mark Twain

                                                                                  Tom Selleck - Wikipedia

                                                                                    Thomas William Selleck (/ˈsɛlɪk/; born January 29, 1945) is an American actor and film producer and California Army National Guard veteran. He is known for starring as private investigator Thomas Magnum in the television series Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988)

                                                                                    Tom Cruise - Wikipedia

                                                                             Signature. Thomas Cruise (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, July 3, 1962) is an American actor and producer. He has received several accolades for his work, including three Golden Globe Awards and nominations for three Academy Awards.
                                                                                      Years active‎: ‎1981–present
                                                                                      Relatives‎: ‎William Mapother‎ (cousin)
                                                                                      Nationality‎: ‎American
                                                                                      Works‎: ‎Full list

                                                                                       (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, July 3, 1962
                                                                                       (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, July 3, 1962
                                                                                       (born Thomas Cruise Map --> secret code MAP

                                                                                      with Mapother  --> Map  Mother

                                                                                      Archy McNally Series by Lawrence Sanders - Goodreads

                                                                                        Archy McNally, a playboy private eye in Palm Beach, Florida:(For the continuation of the McNally series after Sanders' death, see Vincent Lardo) McNally...

                                                                                        Map  Mother
                                                                                        Map  Mother
                                                                                        Map  Mother reality  of earth geography surface 

                                                                                        Rand McNally Driving Directions and Maps

                                                                                        Get online driving directions you can trust from Rand McNally. Plan your trips and vacations and use our travel guides for reviews, videos, and tips.

                                                                                        Brain mapping - Wikipedia

                                                                                          Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of (biological) quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the (human ...
                                                                                          Overview · ‎History

                                                                                          Apr 4, 2018 - A technique based on genetic bar codes can easily map the connections of individual brain cells in unprecedented numbers. Unexpected ...

                                                                                          Rand McNally State Maps:

                                                                                          Virginia and 

                                                                                          Washington, D.C./Baltimore (Regional Map) (2 Maps)                                                                         



                                                                                          Virginia earth ground state 

                                                                                          Monticello - Wikipedia

                                                                                            Monticello was the primary plantation of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, who began designing and
                                                                                            building Monticello at age 26 after  AND
                                                                                            building Mo +cell (Molecular cell biology software)
                                                                                            and age 26 
                                                                                            --> ag + e + 26 --> agriculture EARTH 26 letter alphabet
                                                                                             of iron 26 protons 

                                                                                            who began designing and
                                                                                            building Monticello at age 26 after  AND

                                                                                            building Mo +cell (Molecular cell biology software)

                                                                                            and age 26 
                                                                                            --> ag + e + 26 --> Agatha Christie 
                                                                                            English language 26 letter alphabet messages
                                                                                             of iron 26 protons  .. thus helping create the
                                                                                            atomic bio-physics biology IRON LADY .. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher blood iron language

                                                                                            Agatha Christie - Wikipedia

                                                                                              Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE (née Miller; 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976) was an English writer. She is known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around her fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple.

                                                                                              Result -->


                                                                                              and the

                                                                                              Virginia Constitution of Thomas Jefferson down-to-earth people whose
                                                                                              bio-electron brain got mentally excited
                                                                                              over the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the new society experiment

                                                                                              The lowest possible energy level that the atom can occupy is called the ground state. ... An electron is normally in its ground state, the lowest energy state available.

                                                                                              After absorbing energy
                                                                                              (or social science information and 
                                                                                              John Locke SOCIAL CONTRACT data), 

                                                                                              it may jump from the ground state

                                                                                              to a mental state 

                                                                                              higher energy level, 

                                                                                              called an excited state.

                                                                                              Excited States and Ground States - Chemistry | Socratic


                                                                                              EARTH systems
                                                                                              ... quantum social engineering languages ....

                                                                                              code words .. Nikola Tesla wireless  ....
                                                                                              earth message systems

                                                                                              --> KMs principal transit routes 

                                                                                              code name
                                                                                              --> Tamil Nadu --> 

                                                                                              + milk protein system
                                                                                              + DNA
                                                                                              + Hindu Holy milk cow

                                                                                              What is a PAC? | Open Secrets of Transactional Analysis


                                                                                                Political Action Committee (PAC) — A popular term for a political committee organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat ...

                                                                                                code words --> nodal agency -->

                                                                                                India Casino (Ca + sin + no --> sin wave node) 
                                                                                                & Gambling - World Casino Directory


                                                                                                  The largest gambling city in India is Panaji with 6 gambling facilities, 94 tables games, 120 gaming, slot, and video poker machines. The largest casino in the entire country of India is Deltin Daman Casino which is located in Daman. Deltin Daman Casino has 30 table games, 1,000 ..

                                                                                                  India Casino --> earth geography shape of the bottom half of a sin wave

                                                                                                   World Casino 
                                                                                                  --> ca sin wave 
                                                                                                  --> Calcutta sin wave of Satyendra Nath Bose

                                                                                                  ..... math / bio-math function  Directory


                                                                                                    The largest gambling city in India is Panaji with 6 gambling facilities, 94 tables games, 120 gaming, slot, and video poker machines. The largest casino in the entire country of India is Deltin Daman Casino which is located in Daman. Deltin Daman Casino has 30 table games, 1,000 ..

                                                                                                    The largest gambling city in India is Panaji 
                                                                                                    The largest gambling city in India    P an (atomic number)
                                                                                                    The largest gambling city in P --> Internet protocol
                                                                                                    COMPUTER  EARTH  proto
                                                                                                     --> proton communications protocol (ethics and integrity 

                                                                                                     human BS and arrogance  ...... such as the

                                                                                                    Department of Energy 

                                                                                                    code name
                                                                                                    --> Tamil Nadu --> 

                                                                                                    + milk protein system
                                                                                                    + DNA
                                                                                                    + Hindu Holy milk cow --->

                                                                                                    code name .....
                                                                                                    next in Herbert Spencer sequence
                                                                                                    --> Tamil Nadu -->

                                                                                                    TA (Transactional analysis)

                                                                                                    Mil --> Milwaukee, Milford, Milton
                                                                                                    Wisconsin  ..... milk Protein Machine region and the protein platform of milk, cheese, and beef hamburger of the Holstein milk dairy cow

                                                                                                    Dean Martin ...Dino 

                                                                                                    - Wikipedia


                                                                                                      Dino Paul Crocetti (June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995), known famously as Dean Martin, was an American singer, actor, and comedian. One of the most ...
                                                                                                      Other names‎: ‎Dino Martini
                                                                                                      Relatives‎: ‎Leonard Barr‎ (uncle)
                                                                                                      Years active‎: ‎1940–1991
                                                                                                      Instruments‎: ‎Vocals

                                                                                                      Dino Paul Crocetti
                                                                                                      Dino Paul Crocetti
                                                                                                      Dino Paul Crocetti
                                                                                                      Dino Paul Crocetti  -->
                                                                                                      Dino Paul Croc
                                                                                                      -----------> C roc --> Chicago Morocco

                                                                                                      Dinosaurs ....Paul Sereno ... 
                                                                                                      Chicago  to  Morocco

                                                                                                      Food 82 - Paul Serno explains that dino suares ate rotten vegation / cabbage ..Saurerktraut


                                                                                                      explains  key word concepts --> 

                                                                                                      Paul Sereno  discovered several new dinosaur  ....
                                                                                                      molecular language   saurerkraut species 

                                                                                                      Homemade Sauerkraut

                                                                                                      Paul Serno explains  that ancient dino
                                                                                                      ate rotten vegation / cabbage / Saurerkraut 

                                                                                                      thus his name Dino Saurer Kraut 

                                                                                                      Krause family  .....
                                                                                                      Horst and  Sabina Krause explain
                                                                                                      molecular software 

                                                                                                      Paul Sereno - Wikipedia


                                                                                                        Paul Callistus Sereno (born October 11, 1957) is a professor of paleontology at the University of Chicago and a National Geographic "explorer-in-residence" who has discovered several new dinosaur species on several continents, including at sites in Inner Mongolia, Argentina, Morocco and Niger.
                                                                                                        Fields‎: ‎Paleontology‎ (‎vertebrate‎)
                                                                                                        Nationality‎: ‎American
                                                                                                        Doctoral students‎: ‎Jeffrey A. Wilson
                                                                                                        Known for‎: ‎Discoveries in paleontology; founder ...

                                                                                                        Morocco 1995 - Expeditions | Paul Sereno - Paleontologist | The ...


                                                                                                        Stats. Location: Western Morocco Age of Fossil Beds: Late Cretaceous, about 95 million years old. Primary Goals: Investigate beds from the time during which ...

                                                                                                        Discoveries | Paul Sereno - Paleontologist | The University of Chicago

                                                                                                          Sereno and his team unearthed the Carcharodontosaurus skull in the Moroccan Sahara in 1995, solving a mystery borne from the destruction of World War II.

                                                                                                          who has discovered several new dinosaur species
                                                                                                          on several continents,
                                                                                                          including at sites in Inner Mongolia,
                                                                                                          Argentina, Morocco and Niger.

                                                                                                          who has discovered several new dinosaur languages
                                                                                                          who has discovered several new dinosaur 
                                                                                                          who has discovered several new dino ..... saur 

                                                                                                          Dean Martin - Dino: The Essential Dean Martin - Music


                                                                                                            Rating: 4.7 - ‎280 reviews
                                                                                                            Product Description. For the die-hard Dean Martin fan, this Dino: The Essential Dean Martin CD is sure to please. Loaded with 30 of Martin's chart-topping hits ...

                                                                                                            Dean Martin - Comedian, Actor, Singer - Biography


                                                                                                            Apr 2, 2014 - Actor and singer Dean Martin
                                                                                                            was born Dino Paul Crocetti in Steubenville
                                                                                                            , Ohio on June 7, 1917. Martin was the youngest of two sons, the ...

                                                                                                            Death Date‎: ‎December 25‎, ‎1995
                                                                                                            Education‎: ‎Grant Elementary School‎, ‎Steuben...
                                                                                                            Birth Date‎: ‎June 7‎, ‎1917

                                                                                                            was born Dino Paul Crocetti
                                                                                                            was born Dino Paul Crocetti
                                                                                                            was born Dino Paul Croc  ...... evolution of software into
                                                                                                            Nature's stream of consciousness  ....... 

                                                                                                            to the next generation of EARTH LAB  existential expressions via human specimens
                                                                                                             .... thus Dino Paul Croc  ...... and the influence of food

                                                                                                            ... that is ...  Nature's food for forehead thought ......

                                                                                                            thus the path of influential food molecules
                                                                                                            and their resume of associated  words ..... 

                                                                                                             Homemade Sauerkraut in
                                                                                                            a (Perry) Mason (television)  Jar (Alice..Thru the Looking Glass) 

                                                                                                             | Kitchen

                                                                                                            May 22, 2018 - When life gives you cabbage, you make sauerkraut — and homemade sauerkraut is a world apart from the stuff that comes from the grocery store. ... Today I'm showing you how to make a sm

                                                                                                            Fermentation Crocks: The Who, What, Where, When, Why and How

                                                                                                   › BLOG

                                                                                                              Feb 13, 2018 - Advantages of Fermenting in a Water-Sealed Crock. The thicker stoneware wall creates a more stable fermentation temperature, resulting in sauerkraut with a greater depth of flavor. Weights keep sauerkraut below the brine for safe and even fermentation.

                                                                                                              Fermentation Crocks:

                                                                                                              was born Dino Paul Crocetti
                                                                                                              was born Dino Paul Crocetti
                                                                                                              was born Dino Paul Croc  

                                                                                                              How To Make Sauerkraut In A Stoneware Crock  ...


                                                                                                                Rating: 5 - ‎6 reviews
                                                                                                                Then put the lid on the crock. Let ferment at room temperature (about 72 degrees Fahrenheit) for 5 to 10 days. Check inside the crock a few times in the first 24 hours to ensure that the cabbage has released enough juice to rise above the cabbage leaves by about an inch (so the sauerkraut is completely submerged).


                                                                                                                Dino  sauer kraut ....   Paul   Croc  ..... Stoneware Crock  

                                                                                                                The University of Chicago

                                                                                                                The University of Chicago 

                                                                                                                Condiments | Vienna Beef | Relish, Mustards, and More

                                                                                                                Vienna Beef Condiments are a perfect compliment for our dogs, sausages, and ... 
                                                                                                                Vienna® sauerkraut is full of the freshest, crispest cabbage, shredded and ...

                                                                                                                 ... ser ..
                                                                                                                .... serves food to  Paul  .... thus the food  sauerkraut word
                                                                                                                 LINKS to his brain map words  ...  dinner . dino   .....

                                                                                                                 Dino Paul Crocetti  ......
                                                                                                                Dino............. roc
                                                                                                                Dinosaur ..Morocco  .... 

                                                                                                                his primoridal molecular instinct is activated ......

                                                                                                                with command instructionto sub-conscious --->
                                                                                                                Dino  sauer kraut ....   Paul   Croc  ..... Stoneware Crock  


                                                                                                                The trip to Morocco required a long journey with the trucks and equipment.

                                                                                                                Team members flew to London,
                                                                                                                unpacked the equipment 


                                                                                                                UNPK is a SS2 instruction which is designed to convert data from a packed format to a zoned decimal format. The operation proceeds by transferring the ...

                                                                                                                UNPK (Unpack) - IBM Mainframe Assembly - Google Sites

                                                                                                                IBM Mainframe Assembly. Search this site ... attachment from boss jhonson. XOR instructions. edited by boss jhonson. OR instructions ... UNPK (Unpack) ...

                                                                                                                [PDF]Principles of Operation - Ibm

                                                                                                                IBMLink (United States customers only): IBMUSM10(MHVRCFS) ... General Instructions for 64-Bit Integers . . 1-2 ...... EXTRACT STACKED REGISTERS . . . 10- ...

                                                                                                                and loaded the trucks in England,

                                                                                                                What is a load library? - IBM

                                                                                                                  The system looks in the libraries for a member with a name or alias that is the same as the specified program-name. The most-used system library is SYS1.

                                                                                                                   ferried to France

                                                                                                                  IBM explains ... an earlier DD ...
                                                                                                                  D-Day - World War II -

                                                                                                                    Jun 6, 2018 - During World War II (1939-1945), the Battle of Normandy, which lasted from June 1944 to August 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. ... The Normandy landings have been called the beginning of the end of war in Europe. ... After World War ...

                                                                                                                    D-Day | June 6, 1944 | The United States Army
                                                                                                                    DD = Data Definition ........
                                                                                                                    IBM  Base 2 war .... World War 2  .....

                                                                                                                    computer science EARTH battles 

                                                                                                                    On June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline, to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which, “we will accept nothing less than ...

                                                                                                                    General Dwight D. Eisenhower

                                                                                                                    statement to execute 

                                                                                                                    statement to execute 

                                                                                                                    statement to execute 

                                                                                                                    statement to execute kill eliminate

                                                                                                                    D-Day - Wikipedia

                                                                                                                      German casualties on D-Day have been estimated at 4,000 to 9,000 men. Allied casualties were at least 10,000, with 4,414 confirmed dead. Museums, memorials, and war cemeteries in the area now host many visitors each year.
                                                                                                                      Location‎: ‎Normandy‎, ‎France
                                                                                                                      Date‎: ‎6 June 1944

                                                                                                                      D-Day Casualties: Total Axis and Allied Numbers - History

                                                                                                                      The total number of casualties that occurred during
                                                                                                                      Operation Overlord, from June 6 (the date of D-Day) to August 30 (when German forces retreated across the Seine)
                                                                                                                      was over 425,000
                                                                                                                      Allied and German troops
                                                                                                                      This figure includes over 209,000 Allied casualties:
                                                                                                                      Nearly 37,000 dead amongst the ground forces.

                                                                                                                      20th century - How many troops died on D-day? - History Stack Exchange

                                                                                                                        2 answers
                                                                                                                        Apr 9, 2013 - Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy. This figure includes over 209,000 Allied casualties, with nearly 37,000 dead amongst the ground forces and a further 16,714 deaths amongst the Allied air forces.

                                                                                                                        Team members flew to London,
                                                                                                                        unpacked the equipment and loaded the trucks in England,
                                                                                                                        ferried to France and drove across Spain, crossed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar, and drove across Morocco to finally begin the dig .....  dig ..

                                                                                                                        reminders of the digging of grave holes in
                                                                                                                         World War 2 and the
                                                                                                                        university  lies, schemes, and cover-up of the 
                                                                                                                        reasons for World war 2

                                                                                                                         ferried to France and drove across Spain, 
                                                                                                                         ferried to France and drove across Spain, 
                                                                                                                         ferried to F ........... base 16  space 

                                                                                                                        crossed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar, 

                                                                                                                        and drove across Morocco to finally begin the dig


                                                                                                                        Mo   roc  co
                                                                                                                        Molecule  ROC  feedback   codes for
                                                                                                                        dino.sauerkraut  .... cabbage patch ...
                                                                                                                        LINKAGE agents 

                                                                                                                        END of explanation

                                                                                                                        List of NASA  brain wave songs recorded by 

                                                                                                                        Whitney Houston - Wikipedia

                                                                                                                          Whitney Houston recorded songs for six studio albums, four soundtrack albums and one ... It was decided by her record label executive, Clive Davis at Arista Records, that Houston should grow as an artist and develop her music further by making ..... Johntá Austin · I Will Always Love You: The Best of Whitney Houston, 2012.

                                                                                                                          Whitney Houston's music debut was a genre-shattering breakthrough – a high-powered fusion of pop, ... I Will Always Love You: The Best Of Whitney Houston.

                                                                                                                          As an Official Supporting Sponsor of World Space Congress•2002, Johnson Space Center is proud to welcome you to Houston, Texas, home of NASA's Center ...

                                                                                                                          JSC World

                                                                                                                          JSC World

                                                                                                                 ...... Sub-conscious mind  ..... SC World
                                                                                                                          --> SiCk world of BS and bragging

                                                                                                                          World Space Congress 2002 Comes to Successful Close - SpaceRef

                                                                                                                          Oct 23, 2002 - World Space Congress draws more than 20,000 total participants. HOUSTON - After 10 days of hundreds of technical sessions, exhibits, ...

                                                                                                                          Space Congress 

                                                                                                                          Space Congress 

                                                                                                                          .....ace Congress  of acetylcholine neuroscience bio-radio meeting

                                                                                                                          Space Congress 

                                                                                                                          Space Congress 

                                                                                                                          .....ace Congress Houston -->

                                                                                                                          code --> aceH secret neuron society in North America

                                                                                                                          aceH software  ------> Shooting in Houston injures 9 people;

                                                                                                                          gunman shot, killed - Story | KRIV

                                                                                                                            Police say several people were shot in a southwest Houston neighborhood Monday morning.

                                                                                                                            Drive by shooting | - ABC13 Houston

                                                                                                                            drive by shooting news stories - get the latest updates from ABC13.

                                                                                                                            Drive by shooting | abc


                                                                                                                            Drive by shooting | abc

                                                                                                                            Drive by shooting | abc

                                                                                                                            Drive by shooting | abc murders

                                                                                                                            How Do You Find the a, b, and c  Values of a
                                                                                                                            Quadratic equation DEATH  Function approved by Federal government scientists and algebra specialist ...

                                                                                                                            When you're dealing with quadratic equations, it can be really helpful to identify a, b, ... Check out this tutorial to see exactly what a constant looks like and why it ...

                                                                                                                            Uterus and colon:
                                                                                                                            NASA (SA  =South American SALIVIA mentality)
                                                                                                                             Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia Image

                                                                                                                   › Medical Encyclopedia

                                                                                                                              Feb 7, 2019 - The uterus is a hollow muscular organ located in the female pelvis between the bladder and rectum. The ovaries produce the eggs that travel through the fallopian tubes. Once the egg has left the ovary it can be fertilized and implant itself in the lining of the uterus.

                                                                                                                              Billy Crystal - IMDb

                                                                                                                              Billy Crystal, Actor: Forget Paris. Billy Crystal was born on March 14, 1948 in Long Beach, Long Island, New York. He is the youngest of ... 2001 61* (TV Movie)

                                                                                                                              Sep 29, 2013 - Billy Crystal plays a Hollywood agent who stumbles upon Max, a giant living in Romania, and tries to get him into the movies. Director: Michael ...

                                                                                                                              Billy Crystal Movies List: Best to Worst - Ranker

                                                                                                                              List of the best Billy Crystal movies, ranked best to worst with movie trailers when available. Billy Crystal's ... Forget Paris Billy Crystal, Rush Limbaugh, Debra Winger. Forget Paris is ... City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold Billy Crystal, Jon Lovitz, Jack Palance ... Mr. Saturday Night Billy Crystal, Helen Hunt, Jerry Lewis.

                                                                                                                              Billy Crystal Movies 

                                                                                                                              Billy Crystal Movies 

                                                                                                                              Bi     Crystal Mov --> 

                                                                                                                              Bi     Crystal Mov --> 

                                                                                                                              Bicep (muscle of arm) .........

                                                                                                                              salt  Crystals in a salt  shaker 

                                                                                                                              ..... Moving human arm at a dinner table ......

                                                                                                                              shaking a salt shaker ........

                                                                                                                              salt crystal molecules oscillate at the kitchen table 

                                                                                                                              --> thus a Sartre existential salt crystal ..... crystal  radio 

                                                                                                                              Crystal radio - Wikipedia


                                                                                                                                A crystal radio receiver, also called a crystal set, is a simple radio receiver, popular in the early days of radio. It uses only the power of the received radio signal to produce sound, needing no external power.
                                                                                                                                History · ‎Design · ‎Tuned circuit · ‎Crystal detector

                                                                                                                                Otter Creek Crystal - Little Rock, AR - Niche

                                                                                                                                Rating: 3.6 - ‎17 reviews
                                                                                                                                Otter Creek Crystal is a neighborhood in Little Rock, Arkansas with a population of 8,520. ... Living in Otter Creek Crystal offers residents a suburban feel and most residents own their homes. Many families and young professionals live in Otter Creek Crystal and residents tend to be ...

                                                                                                                                EARTH LAB .....
                                                                                                                                NaCL expression agents -->
                                                                                                                                North america Clinton 

                                                                                                                                NaCl--> North American geography ..
                                                                                                                                ...  crystal radio systems 
                                                                                                                                of salt shakers and the  human arm shakers ......  broadcasting secret radio signals

                                                                                                                                The Complete Guide on How to Build a
                                                                                                                                EARTH ...... 

                                                                                                                                Crystal Radio with Nikola Tesla  wireless at the ... 

                                                                                                                                Waldorf Astoria New York - Wikipedia

                                                                                                                                  The Waldorf Astoria New York is a luxury hotel in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The hotel has been housed in two historic landmark buildings in New York.
                                                                                                                                  Location‎: ‎301 Park Avenue; ‎Manhattan, New Y...
                                                                                                                                  Number of rooms‎: ‎1,413

                                                                                                                                  The Complete Guide on How to Build a Crystal Radio—Plus How ...

                                                                                                                                    Jan 3, 2013 - There's a lot that goes into making a nice crystal radio set, so this is going to have to be broken down into two parts. The first part is the actual ...

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